Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sarkozy to address French Jewry

Nicolas Sarkozy will be the first French president to address the annual dinner of French Jewry's representative body.
Some 1,000 Jewish organizations will attend Wednesday's CRIF dinner, a key political networking event that attracts senior lawmakers as well as business, diplomatic and social leaders, and media representatives.
Some CRIF members speculated that Sarkozy was appearing to show that France in his presidency is committed to a more balanced policy toward Israel after what critics say were decades of a sometimes negative government stance.
In the past, the prime minister has represented the French government at the dinner.

Nicolas Sarkozy, le président de la République, sera l’invité d’honneur du 23e dîner du Crif qui aura lieu mercredi 13 février à Paris. Cette année, ce grand moment de la vie politique sera retransmis en direct à partir de 19h30 par la Chaine parlementaire (LCP-AN et Public Sénat) et sur Guysen TV.
La soirée et les discours du président du CRIF, Richard Prasquier, et du président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, seront également retransmis sur les sites internet : www.lcpan.fr; www.publicsenat.fr; www.guysen.com.


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