Monday, July 21, 2008

Brown hails Israel, raps Iran

The view from Tehran (Press TV):
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:34:48

British Premier Gordon Brown has vowed support for Israel and taken to task 'threats' by Iran in his current visit to the Middle East. In a speech delivered to Knesset on Monday morning, Gordon Brown pledged his support for Israel and lashed out at what he called the 'abhorrent' threats by the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against Israel.

"To those who question Israel's very right to exist, and threaten the lives of its citizens through terror, we say: the people of Israel have a right to live here, to live freely and to live in security," Brown said in his speech. Iranian officials have repeatedly said that unless it commits the folly of initiating military action against Iran, Tehran has no intention of attacking Israel. During his address to the Knesset, Brown took a similar position toward Iran's nuclear issue to that of the US, threatening the Islamic Republic with isolation if it does not suspend its uranium enrichment program. "I promise you that just as we have led the work on three mandatory sanctions resolutions of the UN, the UK will continue to lead -- with the United States and our European Union partners, in our determination to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapons program," Brown added. The British prime minister also praised what he called Israel's 'monumental' achievements during the past 60 years, and emphasized his country's support for Israel's policies in Middle East.

"Let me tell the people of Israel today: Britain is your true friend -- A friend in difficult times as well as in good times, a friend who will stand beside you whenever your peace, your stability and your existence are under threat," said Brown, referring to Israel which is believed to be the Middle East's sole nuclear power with over 200 ready-to-use atomic warheads. The stated objective of Brown's visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories is giving momentum to the so-called Middle East peace process. However, the remarks he made at the Knesset will make it quite difficult for him to gain the trust of the Palestinians, over four million of whom have become refugees in the 60 years since Israel's creation.


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