By grace of God, Iran to launch its own all-Iranian satellite soon: Ahmadinejad

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday despite entire sanctions, by grace of God and relying on efforts of Iranian young scientists, cent per cent (100%) Iranian satellites would soon be launched to space mounted on Iranian rockets.
Addressing a group of Iranians living in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur's Crown Plaza Hotel, President Ahmadinejad added, "In other modern technologies, too, Iran is among the leading countries in the world today."
The President emphasized that our country's achievements in nuclear technology is, but a sample of the Iranian nation's scientific achievements, saying, "The Iranians will never get tired of working for advancement and progress, although such achievements are gained relying on very tough and breath taking efforts." Ahmadinejad reiterated, "Enemies assume they can relying on threats and imposing pressure block the path of the Iranian nation's progress, but they had better know that the Iranians do not attach any importance to such pressure and threats." He said, "The Iranian nation favors holding dialogues, although our enemies are after pursuing a repetitious scenario; on the one hand they say they want negotiations, and on the other hand they threaten us of military attacks." Ahmadinejad pointed out that the Iranian nations is neither after imposing hegemony over the others, nor will it yield to the hegemony of the others, or retreat from its righteous stands, and those who think otherwise are badly mistaken.
The Iranian President stressed, "No one dares launch a military attack against the sacred soil of Iran today." He further emphasized, "They know very well that politically, economically, and from the military point of the view, they are not capable of doing such a thing, and in addition to that, there are enough intelligent human beings in the United States today to resist against the mentality of this man, who is left all alone today." Ahmadinejad emphasized, "Enemies should know that the Iranian nation would severe the hands of any aggressor before they would launch heir aggression."
Responding to the demand of the Iranians who are pleased with the conduct of the Iranian head consulate in Malaysia, Seyyed Hamid Nour, President Ahmadinejad addressed Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, saying, "I think the people are pleased with his conduct and wish his tenure to be extended." President Ahmadinejad is scheduled to address the 6th General Assembly of the D8 Summit on Tuesday morning, local time."
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