President Eduard Kokoity invites Russia to deploy military base in South Ossetia
Эдуард Кокойты предложил России разместить в Южной Осетии военную базу (KP)
South Ossetian President, Eduard Kokoity, is ready to negotiate with Russia a treaty of friendship and offers to deploy throughout the country Russian military bases.

"I will also invite Russia to deploy Russian military bases in the territory of South Ossetia, a solution to this issue will depend on the will of Russia" - quoted Interfax.
Kokoity added that in the near future a similar military agreement can be signed also between the newly independent republic of Abkhazia and Russia.
Sergei Bagapsh, President of Abkhazia, said: "I think that in the near future this agrement will be signed. A military agreement has been on the table even before all these present issues." (KP)

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