A Satanic fatwa for paedophiles

Original title: "Une fetwa satanique pour pédophiles" (Click)
(Une fetwa provoque l’indignation et la colère des Marocains. Cheikh Mohamed Ben Abderahman Al Maghrawi n’a rien trouvé de mieux que d’autoriser le mariage des filles à l’âge de 9 ans. Sur son site internet Maghrawi.net, ce disciple du wahhabisme, idéologue fondamentaliste, a publié, le 12 août 2008, un décret religieux intitulé L’âge du mariage, où il dit clairement que la physionomie d’une fillette de neuf ans lui permet d’avoir des rapports sexuels.Donc, d’assumer des responsabilités matrimoniales. Pour donner une légitimité à ses dires, Cheikh Mohamed Ben Abderahman Al Maghrawi s’est appuyé sur l’exemple du Prophète Sidna Mahammed qui, selon les haddith rapportés tant par Mouslim que par Boukhari, s’est marié avec Lalla Aïcha, sa troisième épouse et fille d’Abou Bakr, à l’âge de 6 ans mais n’a eu des relations sexuelles avec elle qu’à l’âge de 9 ans.)
Rabat - Authorities in Morocco have shut down about 60 Qur’anic schools belonging to a Muslim theologian who argues that girls as young as nine can marry. (Link)
The authorities also plan to close down the internet site on which Sheikh Mohamed Ben Abderrahman Al-Maghraoui decreed earlier this month that the marriage of nine-year-old girls is allowed by Islam.
The sheikh said his decree was based on the fact that the Prophet Mohammad consummated his marriage to his favourite wife when she was that age.
Lawyers, the media, and finally Muslim scholars rounded on Maghraoui for effectively seeking to legalise paedophilia.
The authorities finally took action on Wednesday, shutting down his headquarters in Marrakesh and dozens of his small Qur’anic schools dotted around the country.
“The internet site ‘Maghrawi.net’ is going to be closed (still open though...), while the headquarters of the Mohamed Maghraoui association in Marrakesh and his ‘Qur’anic Houses’ have already been closed,” a security official said.
Sheikh Maghraoui’s ‘fatwa’ or religious decree was condemned on Sunday by Morocco’s top body of Islamic scholars.
The sheikh said his decree was based on the fact that the Prophet Mohammad consummated his marriage to his favourite wife when she was that age.
Lawyers, the media, and finally Muslim scholars rounded on Maghraoui for effectively seeking to legalise paedophilia.
The authorities finally took action on Wednesday, shutting down his headquarters in Marrakesh and dozens of his small Qur’anic schools dotted around the country.
“The internet site ‘Maghrawi.net’ is going to be closed (still open though...), while the headquarters of the Mohamed Maghraoui association in Marrakesh and his ‘Qur’anic Houses’ have already been closed,” a security official said.
Sheikh Maghraoui’s ‘fatwa’ or religious decree was condemned on Sunday by Morocco’s top body of Islamic scholars.
Read also:
"Morocco shuts 60 Muslim schools" (Link)
"Le bimbe si sposino a 9 anni" (Link)

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