Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"We don't serve Jews here"

Marcel Kalmann from Georgia to Belgium, where they don't serve you a drink if you wear a kippah

Marcel Kalmann from Sharpsburg, Georgia, poses in Antwerp, Belguim, Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2008. Police in the medieval city of Bruges were investigating claims of anti-Semitism and racism against an 63-year-old American Jew during a visit to one of the city's popular market square cafe's, officials said Wednesday. Kalmann, on a two-day tourist visit to Bruges on Jan. 23, said he filed a complaint with local police alleging he faced abuse from a waiter because he was wearing a yarmulke. (News-Yahoo)

Antisémitisme dans un café brugeois

Un professeur américain en séjour à Bruges aurait été mis à la porte d’un café, parce qu’il portait la kippa, rapporte le mensuel Joods Actueel. « Nous ne servons pas les juifs ici », aurait dit le serveur. Lire la suite

«Al bar non serviamo gli ebrei». E lo sbattono fuori

Cacciato perchè non si toglie la kippah. Il professore americano in visita nella città fiamminga non è stato ascoltato nemmeno dalle autorità di polizia.
Qui non si servono gli ebrei: nel 2008 e nel Paese del multilinguismo c'è ancora chi pronuncia queste parole. Un professore americano in visita a Bruges, cittadina fiamminga poco distante da Bruxelles, è stato respinto da una bar del centro perchè non ha nascosto di essere di religione ebraica.(La Stampa)

Antisemitisme in Brugs cafe'

BRUGGE - BRUSSEL - Een Amerikaanse jood heeft in Brugge te maken gekregen met antisemitisme in een café. Toen de man klacht wou indienen bij de politie vond hij geen gehoor. Dat schrijft het maandblad Joods Actueel in zijn editie die morgen verschijnt.
(Der Standaard)


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