Is this the most anti-semitic film of the century?

Prosecutors in Cherepovets, Russia (Vologda region) opened an investigation into the screening of an antisemitic film at a Russian Orthodox Church affiliated library, according to an April 9, 2008 report by the Interfax news agency. The library screened the film "Russia With a Knife in its Back: Jewish Fascism and the Genocide of the Russian People" throughout 2007, despite the fact that the Federal Registration Service lists it as banned extremist material. Local prosecutors assert that the film "contains statements aimed at inciting hatred and enmity, and humiliates the dignity of Jews based on their ethnicity, origin, and attitude towards religion." (Fsumonitor)

1)The blood libel case is only a single incident in a well-organized anti-Semitic campaign
2)The campaigners are numerous and occupy positions of power and influence in modern Russia
3)The worst and more revolting incidents in rich Russian tradition of anti-Semitic libel are alive and well, being tirelessly revived

Watch who is behind the guns:
Konstantin Dushenov, the main drive behind the production and its anchor, is a chief editor of a paper "Orthodox Russia". A quote from the man to establish his credentials:
Denigrators and haters of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ send us, the Russian people, their curse, not only from the synagogues of Tel Aviv and Haifa. No. Now many of them are sitting in the spacious government's and Duma's cabinets in the heart of Russia, Moscow. And until they sit there, we will all die slowly in the stench of captivity under kikes' brutal anti-Russian, anti-believer yoke.
Continues here: Simply Jews
a)Russian link to the film!b)Russian link to the film!
c)Russian link to the film!
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