Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Dr. Wafa Sultan. L'avete vista. Ora la leggerete!

Dopo la superlativa intervista rilasciata dalla psicologa siro-americana ad Al-Jazeera il 21.2.06, vista sul web da milioni di persone grazie a MEMRI TV, e' notizia graditissima che Dr. Wafa Sultan sta per pubblicare un libro sull'Islam dal titolo "The Escaped Prisoner: When God Is a Monster."

Quel che segue e' solo una piccola parte di un interessantissimo post apparso su "Christians Under Attack".

Dr. Wafa Sultan is "working on a book that — if it is published — it's going to turn the Islamic world upside down."
"I have reached the point that doesn't allow any U-turn. I have no choice. I am questioning every single teaching of our holy book."

The working title is: "The Escaped Prisoner: When God Is a Monster."

Dr. Sultan grew up in a large traditional Muslim family in Banias, Syria, a small city on the Mediterranean about a two-hour drive north of Beirut. Her father was a grain trader and a devout Muslim, and she followed the faith's strictures into adulthood.

But, she said, her life changed in 1979 when she was a medical student at the University of Aleppo, in northern Syria. At that time, the radical Muslim Brotherhood was using terrorism to try to undermine the government of President Hafez al-Assad. Gunmen of the Muslim Brotherhood burst into a classroom at the university and killed her professor as she watched, she said.

"They shot hundreds of bullets into him, shouting, 'God is great!' " she said. "At that point, I lost my trust in their god and began to question all our teachings. It was the turning point of my life, and it has led me to this present point. I had to leave. I had to look for another god."

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